Tips and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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Tips and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Selecting a Consistent Begin Field

You are free to choose any column in a macro worksheet as the Begin field for a macro, and in some cases—particularly with macros which do quick, one-line calculations on a target form—the Begin field and End field you select can significantly affect data entry speed and efficiency.

But if you mostly run macros which process all of the data lines on a target form, selecting the same Begin field column in all of those  macros is a good practice. You might routinely select the Qty field, or the Item field, or any other, so long as you are consistent across all of your macros. The benefit of this practice is reduced confusion:  regardless of which macro you are running, you will know to always click in the Qty field, or Item field, or...whichever field you've decided on as a common Begin field in your macros.

Text-Triggered Formulas FAQ

"Where are the text-triggered formula rows?"

"What are text-triggered formulas used for?"

Their most common use is for totaling and subtotaling columns in target applications, but they have a variety of uses for counting, averaging, and summarizing data.

"Why are they called 'text-triggered' formulas?"

Because they are formulas which FullSpeed only applies when it encounters specific text on the target application's form. That is, the text "triggers" a formula.

"How should I enter text in the target application, so that it will "trigger" my formula?"

The text must exactly match the trigger text you have entered in the Match column of the macro worksheet, except for capitalization—ItemName, itemname, and ITeMNAMe would all be considered as matching.

"Why does FullSpeed provide for up to five text-triggered formula rows?"

This lets you set up several different sets of formulas, each triggered by the appearance of different text in the target application. For instance, you might have one set of formulas for subtotaling a column, and another set for providing a grand total or for totaling other data.

"Can the same text appear more than once in the target application, to trigger the same formulas multiple times?"

Yes. That's how subtotaling is usually done:  you insert the text on each target form row where you want a subtotal. Each time FullSpeed encounters the text, it will provide a subtotal for all rows since the most recent prior occurrence of the text.

"Can I use the same text in the Match column of more than text-triggered formula row?

If you do, you won't get the desired result. Only the first text-triggered formula row with matching text will be applied to the target application.