SUMTXT function

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The SUMTXT function returns a string of text values accumulated from the cell range specified by the function's first argument, separated by commas. An optional second argument lets you specify other text (other than commas) to use for separating the returned text values.


Assuming cell D24 contains "John Doe" and cell D25 contains "Mary Smith"...

=SUMTXT(D24..D25) would return "John Doe, Mary Smith"

=SUMTXT(D24..D25," //") would return "John Doe // Mary Smith"

Usage Notes

Empty cells are ignored, in the range specified by the first argument to SUMTXT:  when an empty cell is encountered nothing is added to the returned text string (not even a comma). For the following range of cells (the third cell is empty):

John Doe
Mary Smith
Bill Jones

calling SUMTXT on this cell range would return "John Doe, Mary Smith, Bill Jones".